Running examples

First, make sure that you have included all libraries paths in your shared library path.

For all MCs:


The MTRoot package is provided in Geant4 VMC and is installed by default with Geant4 VMC library and is located in geant4_vmc_install. It can be however installed also stand-alone and without Geant4 libraries.

For Geant3 only:

path to Pythia6 library

For Geant4 only:


Running examples from Root session

The example can be run by calling the provided macros from Root session:

$ cd geant4_vmc/examples/E01
$ root
root[0] .x load_g4.C   # load all libraries needed to run with Geant4
root[1] .x run_g4.C    # run with Geant4
root[0] .x load_g3.C   # load all libraries needed to run with Geant3
root[1] .x run_g3.C    # run with Geant3

Running examples application programs

The example can be also run by calling the executable from the examples installation directory:

$ cd geant4_vmc/examples/E01
$ /mypath/examples_install_g4/bin/g4vmc_exampleE01

For keeping maximum simplicity of the code, a fixed configuration is defined in the examples main() function. More flexible version of the main() function is provided in the test programs which default configuration options can be changed by running the program with selected command line options, eg.

$ g4vmc_testE01
   [-g4g,  --g4-geometry]         Geant4 VMC geometry option
   [-g4pl, --g4-physics-list]     Geant4 physics list selection
   [-g4sp, --g4-special-physics]  Geant4 special physics selection
   [-g4m,  --g4-macro]            Geant4 macro
   [-g4vm, --g4-vis-macro]        Geant4 visualization macro
   [-r4m,  --root-macro]          Root macro
   [-v,    --verbose]             verbose option (yes,no)


$ g3vmc_testE01
   [-g3g,  --g3-geometry]         Geant3 geometry option    
   [-r4m,  --root-macro]          Root macro
   [-v,    --verbose]             verbose option (yes,no)

Note that the g4* and g3* options are available only when the program was built with the corresponding VMC_WITH_Geant4 or VMC_WITH_Geant3 option. Root macro with arguments has to be passed in a single string, eg.:

   --root-macro 'test_E01.C("",kFALSE)'